Dance Artist
Laura is a contemporary dance artist, contact improviser and argentine tango dancer.
Originally from Italy, she has been working as a freelance dancer in the UK and across Europe since 2015. She performed in works by Quang Kien Van, Natalia Iwianec, Flora Wellesly Wesley, Cie MF, Anders Duckworth and Compagnia Natiscalzi (Italy). She is currently performing in works by Lea Tirabasso, AWA (as we are) and Anne-Mareike Hess.
Between 2014 and 2016 Laura founded and worked with The Sparse Collective, a group of international artists who specialised in Improvisation into performance, with whom she performed in Italy, Spain and Argentina.
Laura has collaborated with Helga Schmidt, lecturer at Royal College of Art, for Designing Time, devising and curating a performance for the event at the Design Museum and Somerset House.
She has been a guest lecturer in CI and Improvisation at London Studio Centre and Central School of Ballet and is currently part of the faculty of London Contemporary Dance School.
She has taught workshops internationally in Italy (L’Altro Movimento and S’ALA) and Germany at B12 Festival.
Image credit Henry Curtis Photography